Podcast DLD 505: Cream of the Crap or Cream of the Crop? An interesting CEO panel discussion at a trade show?!? It finally happened last week. Plus new routes and lots more.Read more
Podcast DLD 504: Reading the fine print Details matter, and a few of this week's topics dig in to that fine print.Read more
PodcastTrip Reports DLD 503: Where’s the Widget? Dartboard or strategic planning? Either way, lots of new routes to discuss in this week's news.Read more
Podcast DLD 501: Star signs and labor challenges One strike averted, another underway. And plenty of challenges remain for the aviation industry overall.Read more
Podcast DLD 500: Or something like that A strike avoided, an engine fire, and new routes as we hit another arbitrary milestone.Read more
Podcast DLD 498: You’re Grounded! The 777X is back on the ground, while an IFC vendor goes under and a couple airlines have operational issued. But it isn't all bad news…Read more
PodcastTrip Reports DLD 497: A hail of a problem Airplanes and hail don't mix, and a storm rendering 10% of an airline's fleet unflyable is all sorts of bad.Read more
Podcast DLD 496: In search of cool carpet Gotta love that new terminal smell, right? PDX finally opened its new space, and we've got Ned Russell on to talk about it.Read more