Hello, PointsHoarder fans. We’re glad to have you around and happy to announce that we’re changing our name this week. Why? Mostly because we don’t actually hoard points and we think that doing so is a bad idea. So we’re moving on.
Welcome to Dots, Lines and Destinations!
Dots are the airports we visit. Lines are the routes between them. And Destinations can be a bit of anything, from a city to an in-flight experience to, well, anything else. There’s a lot of potential here and we didn’t like being hemmed in by the idea of only really ever talking about points and miles. There’s too much more out there we all find interesting and hope that you will, too.
So, what does this mean for you?
We’ve got a new website: MoreDotsMoreLines.com. We’ve got a new Twitter handle: @DotsLines. And we’ve got a new home on Facebook. Assuming I did everything correctly the transition should be seamless. So assume that there will be a few hiccups along the way.