Maybe taking five flights rather than just two, and adding an extra overnight en route, was a mistake.

We’re joined this week by special guest Ed Pizza of Miles to Go and Pizza In Motion to talk about changing allegiances and the rest of the latest news.

Kicking off the show with a bad conspiracy theory about hurricanes probably isn’t our strongest play, but here we are. It gets better pretty quickly.

The air travel industry is seeing policy changes at an incredible pace, often flipflopping between opposing positions with minimal warning. We’re just trying to keep up…

Will O’Hare shift its role for American Airlines, losing its global gateway status? Also, dedicated crew for airline executives and lots of news about Alitalia, which is still alive for some reason. Oh, and vomit fraud. C’mon in for another great show!

Fozz almost got stuck in Berlin this weekend, but quick thinking saved the day. Also, errors bring lawsuits, The ME3 are all sorts of crazy and purple is coming to Delta’s uniforms.