DLD 372: Going global

Sure, we're not really traveling long-haul for leisure right now. But some people are. We had long time friend of the show Han on to talk about a couple recent trips.Read more

DLD 371: Snowed in

With a blizzard bearing down we're reliving prior diversions and other cold weather travel tales, all the way to Antarctica.Read more

DLD 368: Not so far flung

We shouldn't be here right now. We should all be there. But we aren't. And we don't even really know where "there" is. A most interesting predicament.Read more

DLD 367: A Farewell to R32s

Slightly bizarre to have the lead topic for an aviation podcast to be a subway story, but we've never really been a normal group. Plus, we've got Jason on to talk about that and many other airplane-related bits.Read more

DLD 365: TATL Tales

Lots of news in the Transatlantic market this week, with high hopes for Summer 2022. Lawsuits, and new elite status and maskholes, too.Read more