Bad things come in threes, right? Hopefully that's the case here as Boeing wraps a pretty bad run of incidents with its aircraft. Plus, a 3 day delay and a seized plane!Read more
A smooth connection in Seattle was unexpected. Smoothing connections in Africa might be useful. And Brexit likely means rough connections for millions. Hooray!Read more
Fly for the food, stay for the company, collect (or burn) some points along the way. Just a quick weekend trip to Hong Kong and Beijing from the USA, because we can.Read more
Engines, engines, everywhere! Even more of which are now broken. Plus many inaugurals and maybe your biometric security data will be sold to an airline or airport soon.Read more
Another year of APEX EXPO is in the books and, as always, lots of cool developments. Plus a few really bad ones. Listen now to learn what you'll be flying soon.Read more