Thousands of planes parked, some permanently, make for stunning images. But it comes at a cost, with jobs lost and an economic hit that is hard to measure so far.Read more
Is it time for airports to join the consolidation game? We talk a lot about airlines and mergers (and bankruptcies these days) but airports might also benefit from joining forces.Read more
An island hopper that only takes 8 hours and does not risk military base diversions has us pretty excited. Just need it to actually operate now.Read more
We talk a lot about planes and travel on the show and perhaps a little less about the people we meet along the way than we should. Today's episode is different.Read more
We're trying to not just talk about the novel coronavirus all day, every day. But lately the challenges it creates have dominated the aviation industry. So we're talking about it again. But some other stuff, too.Read more
What does it mean when airlines behave unfairly towards customers? And why should we all be worried that they're about to be a lot more deceptive? Listen in to find out.Read more