Lots of 737 shop talk in this episode, recorded on Sunday evening after the ET302 crash outside Addis Ababa. Our condolences to all those affected by the tragedy.Read more
Is it as aggressive a crossover as Avengers: Infinity War? Maybe not. But this week's show has DLD and MilesToGo producing a joint episode to relive the inaugural festivities at Paine Field and it sure was fun.Read more
Norwegian finally got out of Iran and American wants to spread some luxury around, if you're willing to pay. Plus, sketchy bookings now have a friendly home online.Read more
What's in store this week?? Perhaps it is a surprise for everyone. Owing to some excitement in the recording and editing process we're all about to find out together!Read more
We're big fans of all things travel so when a couple of friends launched a new destination guide site we were interested. Welcome to the Statesider, a new take on US travel.Read more