All four of us agreed that episode 51 was a bit slow. Not bad, really, but it was lacking a bit of excitement or intrigue. Last weekend I was in Seattle for the latest edition…Read more
Dear listeners: I'm sorry. I was supposed to write the show notes up a couple days ago when the recording was fresh in my head and my thoughts were clear. Instead you get a vaguely…Read more
Forget bonus points…the true awesomeness comes with bonus Dots, Lines & Destinations episodes! And we've got a bonus episode for you this week recorded on location in Hamburg, Germany. The Aircraft Interiors Expo 2014 ran…Read more
Greetings from Hamburg, home of Aircraft Interiors Expo 2014. This week's episode includes a couple special guests from, John Walton and Jason Rabinowitz. We're talking all sorts of fun things with them related to…Read more
Is it episode number 2 or number 48? And why the new name? Also, do any of us know what the heck is going on?? Answers to these questions and more in this week's episode…Read more
Welcome to the newly rebranded Dots, Lines and Destinations. We used to be PointsHoarder but we don't really hoard points and the irony of that stopped being entertaining. Plus we like talking about destinations and…Read more
Welcome to episode 46 of the PointsHoarder podcast where we spend much of our time working to bully/pressure Stephan into taking a trip half way around the world, mostly in coach, for no apparent reason…Read more
Welcome to the end of the line for the DC-10. Sort of. Biman Bangladesh Airlines is the only remaining operator of the type for commercial service and they're finally making the leap into the 21st…Read more
So, what did Justin Bieber do after nearly being arrested for smoking pot on a charter flight to Teterboro prior to the Super Bowl? Go out partying with PointsHoarder's producer Rolo, of course! That's just…Read more