A great credit card debate to kick things off this week. Which is terribly unusual, but also pretty interesting. Also, the US3 v ME3 might finally be settled, with a bit of Mexican collateral damage. And do people really care that much about tomato juice on board!?!
Fozz almost got stuck in Berlin this weekend, but quick thinking saved the day. Also, errors bring lawsuits, The ME3 are all sorts of crazy and purple is coming to Delta’s uniforms.
The A380 gets a new order and Airbus gets some additional action in China. Also, new rules for service animals, new liveries, new routes and new uniforms.
Is Iceland really that popular in Texas? More premium routes and no more A380s are also part of the discussions.
New Suites seats from Emirates and Singapore Airlines are all the rage, but do they really matter? Revenue-based loyalty, a fond farewell and a new long-haul LCC are also part of this week’s news.
Maybe everyone isn’t crazy and they just have really bad ideas, right? A couple bankruptcies and a couple investments, plus a pair of new routes that just might work. C’mon in.
United made a mistake at JFK, American makes mistAAkes in ticket changes and Bangkok made a “miSteak” when it comes to street food. Plenty of other idiocy, too.
Are alliances dead? How many gates is too many to give up to consummate a merger? And just why would Emirates be interested in flying to Buffalo, New York? Listen to the show to find out the answers to these questions and more!
Europe’s aviation market is a bit of a mess, with Monarch on the cusp of closing and Air Berlin making major changes. SPG & Marriott are merged and Fozz books a flight on air!
A hijacked plane led to the most talked about selfie since Ellen’s Oscars product placement. Plus Hungary wants to add US service with Emirates and Havana is already cracking under US tourism stress.