Which cards to cancel and where to fly? We’ve got Ed from Miles To Go on the show this week to help answer those questions and lots more.

It was Thanksgiving week in the US, so we shifted our gaze to Europe and the Middle East, with plenty of news being made.

What’s the silliest reason you’ve ever heard of for planes to be removed from service? We might have a new top contender for that title.

Maybe we’re supposed to say something in advance when the publishing schedule changes. Oopsie.

New cabins, new partners, and new fuels are just a few of the major investments airlines announced that we’re talking about in this week’s episode.

Scavenging for spare parts, profitable routes, or just good travel ideas? We’ve got it all in this week’s show.

Airlines raked in revenue in Q2, but not all of them reported a profit. And that raises a lot of bigger picture questions.