Catching up on some reader mail, and also on big changes coming in airports served, meals on board, and vaguely boring partnerships.

Can Russia produce more than 300 commercial aircraft by the end of the decade to backfill the Boeing and Airbus frames that will be inoperable by then? And would you fly on one if they do??

Another airline disappears, but we’re still here. You can decide if that’s a good trade or not.

Scavenging for spare parts, profitable routes, or just good travel ideas? We’ve got it all in this week’s show.

Airlines raked in revenue in Q2, but not all of them reported a profit. And that raises a lot of bigger picture questions.

More leisure travelers than expected, plus some gardening tips. Oh, and lots of airline news, too.

Despite being one of the slowest major air shows for new order announcements in years, Farnborough 2022 offered plenty of news.