Marrakech remains a mess for connections. And there are plenty of other messes around the world. But we find some good news, too.

Which new markets make sense? Both long-haul and short-haul are seeing some interesting changes.

One strike averted, another underway. And plenty of challenges remain for the aviation industry overall.

Fiorello would be happy, perhaps, to see Newark no longer managed by New York ATC. But will it help?

Aircraft orders shifting, service types are switching, and one major airport is underwater in this week’s show.

Revisiting a couple stories from the past few weeks, and they still don’t make much sense. Plus lots of new news, too.

Is there at least maybe, hopefully a good reason for American Airlines slashing its mini-hub in Austin?

Scavenging for spare parts, profitable routes, or just good travel ideas? We’ve got it all in this week’s show.