Catching up on some reader mail, and also on big changes coming in airports served, meals on board, and vaguely boring partnerships.

Another airline disappears, but we’re still here. You can decide if that’s a good trade or not.

More airline partnership and a key route trimmed. Plus, cool new trains and airlines and loyalty plays.

Sometimes travel is about new and different adventures. Sometimes it is about repeating the most boring or ridiculous habits. And, when done right, it is often a great blend of both. We close out this week’s episode with some discussion of travel souvenirs that we’re constantly collecting, or at least that we did back when we traveled more.

No, we’re not the first people to make that joke about a trip to Kathmandu (and beyond in Nepal). But Seth is there now and having way too much fun so we’re talking about it and lots of other fun travel news as well.