The US DOT seems keen to rewrite the rules – or at least how they’re enforced – in a way that’s liable to significantly impact the US market.

New cabins, new partners, and new fuels are just a few of the major investments airlines announced that we’re talking about in this week’s episode.

Despite being one of the slowest major air shows for new order announcements in years, Farnborough 2022 offered plenty of news.

Back on the road and exploring the world, with some thoughts on just how well that’s going overall and why we’re not in a huge hurry to do more of it too soon.

Sometimes travel is about new and different adventures. Sometimes it is about repeating the most boring or ridiculous habits. And, when done right, it is often a great blend of both. We close out this week’s episode with some discussion of travel souvenirs that we’re constantly collecting, or at least that we did back when we traveled more.