New wing designs, and new engines hanging from them, could change the way we fly. Or at least make it more efficient.

Refreshing cabins is a nice touch, but why does it take so long?? Also, how long will it take Southwest to pay out all the comp it owes.

Singapore Airlines is out spending cash like it is 2019 again, so that seems to be good news for other airlines.

What happens when you dupe consumers for decades with the confusing names between classes of service then make a change to a tiny part of the fleet? Fun times, indeed.

New cabins, new partners, and new fuels are just a few of the major investments airlines announced that we’re talking about in this week’s episode.

It was supposed to be a quick weekend getaway for the crew. That didn’t work out so well. Also in this episode: Virgin Atlantic joins SkyTeam Eurostar’s Brexit capacity cuts Cleveland gets its European nonstop…